Wednesday, February 27

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No one is to blame!

It was my parents' fault, my teachers' fault, my neighbor's, my boss' fault;
it was my enemy's fault,my government's fault, a leader's fault, a religion's fault, a corporation's fault.Why does God do this to me? He must hate me. Satan surely possessed me; he must control me.

When I was obese, I blamed those in charge of my food preparation or those providing nutrition education.When I was considered learning disabled, I blamed others for my unfair labels, unethical misdiagnosis and wrongful institutionalizing. When I was homeless, I blamed the government, society, civilization. 

When you see others lie, cheat, steal, deceive and conspire, do you blame them for their ignorant hurtful drama? Even if some injustice calls you to action, blaming them will not alter your situation. No one is to blame, yet only one person is in control of re-charting your life.The herd runs off the cliff blaming others for their stampede, and the crazy ones are those who accept personally responsibility, turn around against the shoving mob and walk away from the immoral demise.

It can feel very hard to accept the truth that only we can change our course, when we so desire to believe the great lies of blame, entitlement and self-righteousness. But we are not in charge of them. We are not their judge, though they will be judged, as we will be. We are only in charge of our responses to the events and actions of people in our life. When things happen, and attitudes grow sour, only we can change our own mind, and take responsibility. 

Lao Tzu wrote, "If the mind is correct, all will properly fall into place." So while others may behave without scruples, do not reduce your actions, diminish your energy, or divert your attention from the positive growth and abundant service to which you have devoted your life.

While others acting with less than moral intent commiserate against their blamed, stay free from their emotional corrosion. Stay aligned to your values. Stay true to yourself. Don't underestimate your innate potential to change your mind, and all will fall into place. Just so.

-Scott Sonnon


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