The moment when you just don’t have desire for anything. You sleep with no excitement for tomorrow, with no plans for tomorrow. You feel indifferent..something like all the subjects are just out for your interest. You wake-up in the morning.. ..may feel fresh for a while but after sometime you have nothing new to do in your life beside what you have in your daily schedule.
As you lack activities of your enthusiasm , u remain unmotivated. You will not find anything inspring that enhance your grace. The dullness in your activities will numb your mind and curtain your eyes. You do not see newness in anything. For you even the beautiful sunrise is just the one another daily act of the Sun. No amusements …no sympathys!!
You go for a work which was your keen interest someday but now it is just a part of your daily routine. You are doing because you have to.. you have to complete your part of responsibility. You will not put any extra effort to make your work a beautiful duty. You act sincere.. you act punctual ..So.. may seem sincere but actually you are not because you are not doing with all your heart . You feel irritation on minor mishaps. On trying to remind self when it was last time you laugh out loud ??...You stuck ..You realize it was a day _long time ago…or possibly you may not remember. Within your circle (a bunch of people around, whom u see daily) u respond, but actually stay unconcern. No worries for no one. You often refuse to hangout with friends. When you are all alone you keep thinking about something which seems very important to you. ..then in the same pace as yesterday one another day ends.
It is not your fault, its because you have make your days so.. Among the pirated desires you fail to recognize your true desires. True desires are those which were longing in you from beginning. Ask yourself am I enjoying what I m doing?? It is not compulsory that every single activity of yours must be joyful.. but atleast a day do one thing that symbolize the true “You”.Done with that , you feel content. Don’t let your desires die. Enjoy every drip of time. To practice enjoyment in the works you do..start doing the activities you truly love to do. Such activites which brings smile on your face, which lightens your heart, which makes you laugh …doing this you will inspire yourself. You will help yourself to be “You”. Then, you can discover your true nature ..uniqueness which generally everybody have.
It is true … in a whole sense of view each of days cannot be drastically different…You require to do all tasks which lies within your circle of priority.. But with self inspiration it is like living each new day with slightly new way. Making a difference in your tiny acts. The way you response other, your sense of humour, your conducts, your care and share to the loved ones , changing the taste of your food….anything!!!!! All this happens when you feel the surroundings by your heart…And to feel at heart u should live. To live doesn’t mean to breathe only. Clever mind will never let you to appreciate your innocent heart… Default function of mind is to think…and thinking means either you dive in your past or fly in the future...To live is living in the moment.
Sometimes it is also a case… you may not be able to ping your actual desires !!!!!!
inspired by OSHO
good one!!! it is diff!!!